Knowledgebase : Sapphire > Sapphire 7.5 > Sapphire for Avid AVX Products > System Requirements and Diagnostics

Sapphire 7.5 is not intended for Sapphire 7.0 users. Sapphire 7.5 grants owners of Sapphire 9 the ability to work in a mixed environment with Sapphire 7 systems. Sapphire 7.5 uses the Sapphire 9 activation key, and not the Sapphire 7 serial number.
The "Help" dialog now has an "email Support" button that takes you to a form. The s_log_extended.text file will automatically be included when using this form. Or The diagnostic log file can be found here: * On Windows, the file is in: C:Program Fil...
Your machine ID is your Ethernet ID/MAC address: 6 pairs of numbers and letters A-F. You may see the pairs un-separated (d312a930bc7f), separated by colons (d3:12:a9:30:bc:7f) or separated by dashes (d3-12-a9-30-bc-7f). * On Windows, go to the Start me...
The following are supported: * DS, DS Nitris, DS/Symphony running on Windows 7 * Adrenaline, Media Composer, Mojo DX, NewsCutter, Nitris DX, Symphony Nitris, Xpress running on Windows 7, and 8 and Mac OS X 10.8 and 10.9 If you have a cross-host lic...
If you install a new host application on your machine, you will need to re-install your plug-ins afterwards, so the new application can locate them.
All NVIDIA CUDA GPUs with compute capability 1.3 or later (see []) are supported. This should include all NVIDIA GPUs produced after 2010. Newer cards with more compute cores and...
No, Sapphire will only utilize a single CUDA GPU.
The solution is to render only the topmost track containing Sapphire effects. If you render any lower track first, or all tracks together, you may get incorrect results depending on the order Avid happens to process them. When you render only the topmost ...
Make sure you are running Sapphire 6.041 or later. Update the Sentinel Frameworks by doing the following: * untar /Applications/GenArtsSapphireAVX/config/SentinelFrameworks.tar.gz * Go to /Library/Frameworks/ * Move Sentinel.framework to Sentinel...
You can find and download the Sentinel drivers from here: []
Please contact our Sales team for information.
When you run the Sapphire v7.5 installer, you will be prompted "Would you like to help us improve Sapphire by sending us anonymous usage data periodically?", you can leave the question checked for "yes" or unchecked for "no". If you would like to manuall...