Knowledgebase : Sapphire > Sapphire 8 > Sapphire for Avid AVX Products > Installation and Uninstallation

To uninstall: ON WINDOWS 7, go to: Start -> All Programs -> GenArts SapphireAVX. Select "Uninstall SapphireAVX". ON WINDOWS 8, search for GenArts Sapphire AVX. Select "Uninstall SapphireAVX". ON MAC, go to: /Applications/GenArtsSapphireAVX folder and do...
The software automatically checks for updated versions. If you would like to check manually: ON WINDOWS 7, go to: Start -> All Programs -> GenArts Sapphire AVX -> Check for Sapphire AVX Updates. ON WINDOWS 8, search for GenArts Sapphire AVX -> Check for...
Updates to your software are published on our website as the latest version of the installer and can be found by going to [].
You can find and download the installer from here: [].
No, the Sapphire v8 installer will replace all other versions of Sapphire AVX (but not versions for other host products). This prevents confusion from multiple copies of the same effects, and allows your saved projects to automatically use the new version...
Yes, on Avid you can load projects saved with Sapphire v2, v3, v6 and v7 effects and they should automatically convert to use Sapphire v8. Note that after saving, these projects will be converted to the Sapphire v8 format and can no longer be opened by ol...