The System ID uniquely identifies a particular computer it is the MAC
address of the Ethernet adapter. To find this do to
Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. In the window type:
ipconfig/all The Ethernet adapter physical address will be given in
The following are supported:
* Generation Q v3.6 - 4.2 running on Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Raptors plug-ins process internally at 15-bit color depth. Color
information at a higher bit depth is truncated to 15 bits during
In Quantel V3.6 the plug in API has changed so you will need to use
the Raptors plug-ins for Quantel V3.6. Your Raptors V1.2 licenses will
still be valid for the new software.
In Generation Q some Raptors plug-ins are categorized as Qeffects and
some as Qutilities - remember to look in both locations.