How can I delete precomputed clips?
Posted by Victor Lee on 01 April 2014 11:09 AM

If you use Tinder plug-ins without a license beyond the free trial period, rendered frames will have a protective watermark on them. If you later receive a license, you may need to re-render some precomputed clips that have been saved on your system.

To delete your precomputed clips:

  1. On your Avid, go to Tools -> Media Tool
  2. Select "Precompute Clips" and pick the appropriate drives and projects.
  3. Select all the precompute clips that have the watermark on them. Be careful NOT to select any title or key media. Normally the clips to delete will be called something like sequencename,S3_EffectName. You can check which clips have the watermark by looking at the Frame or Script view.
  4. Once you have selected the appropriate clips, delete them by pressing Delete.
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