Documentation for Sapphire is installed on your machine with the software and is available in HTML and PDF formats.
- On Windows 7, go to: Start -> All Programs -> GenArts SapphireOFX. Select Sapphire OFX Online Help (HTML) or OFX Online Help (PDF).
- On Windows 8 & 10: search GenArts Sapphire OFX. Select Sapphire OFX Online Help (HTML) or OFX Online Help (PDF).
- On Mac, go to: /Applications/GenArts SapphireOFX. Select Online Help.html or Online Help.pdf.
- On Linux, go to: the menu and go to the GenArts/SapphireOFX folder and open the Online help.
A "Help" button is also available at the bottom of the plugin parameters, which provides information about the plugin, your license status, and links that bring up online documentation in your HTML browser.
It includes some general information about how to load and use plugins, and also includes a page for each effect with an example image, description of what each parameter does, and links to related effects.
You can access this documentation directly from your workstation even if it is not connected to the internet.